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Caught and Caged: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 8
Caught and Caged: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online
Page 8
Determined not to engage in a conversation that might expose her even more than she already was, she sucked in air.
He continued to work her bottom hole, applying so much pressure she thought he might breach her barriers but not causing pain. Her inner body waited for him—for something she’d never experienced.
“You aren’t resisting,” he said. “If this was something you had no interest in, you’d be fighting.”
“I—can’t. You—you’re too strong.”
Grunting, he transferred some of her juices from her pussy to her asshole. Then he worked his way into her dark channel, his finger’s girth threatening. Between the familiar fullness in her sex and the strange new stretching sensation, she ceased to exist anywhere else. He’d taken ownership of both holes.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Yes, what?”
Don’t speak. Stay silent, somehow.
His breathing nearly as loud as hers, he kept after her, plundering and thrusting, taking her apart. Not sure what, if anything, she had in mind, she rocked back and forth.
“Let it happen,” he said. “Give yourself over to need.”
There was need all right, the most powerful desire she’d ever experienced. Her captor, her master, had decided she needed to be broken down, and she was letting him. Reveling in the renewed promise of a climax.
He finger fucked her. That’s what it was, all right, simple and base. One of them in charge, the other being attacked—gloriously so.
A hot wave slammed into her. She quaked before it, mentally stretched her arms and accepted the climax’s power. She was in charge of nothing, not even how her toes repeatedly curled and straightened. Her fingers twitched. She couldn’t keep enough air in her lungs.
And she came. Climaxed. Over and over. Breaking apart.
Chapter 6
Finally her muscles had nothing more to give. Her nerves shorted out. She couldn’t see or hear. Crying, she collapsed against him, sweat coating every bit of her.
“That wasn’t so hard,” he said.
“You’re wired for pleasure. That’s what will break you down. Make it possible for me to get what I need from you.”
“No. You’re wrong.”
“The hell I am.” He gave weight to his comment by pulling out of her pussy but staying inside her bottom. His finger rested in her, keeping her at a place somewhere between pleasure and pain. It was so damn simple for him, his control against her weakness. His damnable determination to destroy her when she had nothing left to fight him with.
Another wave came to life. Pushed her to the brink.
“Stop it.” She was afraid to move.
“You don’t mean it.”
He was right. As overwhelming as these moments were she didn’t want them to end. She hadn’t known she was capable of such hunger, but here it was. Trapping her in the current. Surrounding her. Promising and threatening.
“No, please. Stop.” She kept climaxing. Burning herself. Covering her in layers of pleasure. Leaving her with nothing.
“Get up,” Joe ordered. “Stand in front of me.”
His hand on his painfully hard erection, he watched as Lainey struggled to get her legs under her. After several failed attempts she managed to stand, not that he could call what she was doing standing. Her legs were apart enough to maybe prevent her from losing her balance. She rocked back and forth. Her arms were out from her sides as if she half expected to take flight. She sagged, her head bent, eyes fixed on the floor. Her mouth sagged. Sweat covered her. Even her hair appeared exhausted.
It wasn’t supposed to happen, but he’d started to care about her. No matter how much effort it took, he’d keep his feelings to himself.
“Turn around.”
She lifted her head, but she struck him as being mindless, a just-tamed animal accepting defeat—except for her expression. She’d wanted this. All of it. So did he.
“Stop,” he said when her back was to him. Her ass was bright red, the color so uniform it looked as if he’d connected with every inch of her buttocks and down her thighs. He forcefully reminded himself that that had been his intention.
“Why didn’t you fight me?”
“What are you talking about? I did.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Her shoulders sagged. “How long are you going to stare at my butt?”
“Not long, Go to the cupboard to the right of the door, take out the red box and bring it to me.”
She started to face him only to stop at his command to do as he’d ordered. He could tell by the way she walked how sore she was. She hesitated when she was reached the cupboard.
“Go on,” he said. “Maybe I’ll let you leave.”
Straightening a little, she stroked her necklace then complied. She took her time pulling out the box and turning it about while trying to decide what she had ahold of. Keeping her emotions to herself, she walked to where he stood and extended the container toward him.
“No. I want you to open it.”
Looking apprehensive, she lifted the lid. Her eyes widened.
“Yeah. It’s what you think it is. Hand it to me.”
Her nostrils flared, she withdrew the chain leash and placed it in his palm. He showed her the lock.
“Come closer. Then stand still.”
She was coming back to life; the aftermath of several violent climaxes being replaced by excitement.
“You have it bad.” He slid the hook through the ring in her collar and locked it. He tugged to let her know how easily he could control her. “You need a man in charge.”
“Damn you.” She kept her head high as if she might bolt.
“You’ve made it abundantly clear how you feel about me. I don’t need the reminder.”
“I don’t care.”
“I have no interest in arguing with you. This is reality.”
Her head barely moved, just enough of a jerk that he had concluded she was agreeing with him. Her nostrils were wide, her eyes huge. She’d turned her hands into fists, but he didn’t believe she’d attack.
“You think I don’t know where I stand in whatever the hell this is?”
“There you go again.” He tugged, forcing her to come closer. “Throwing up obstacles instead of letting me in. Look at it this way. The longer you try to keep the truth from me, the longer your ass will hurt. Of course, you might not mind.”
She was retreating in silence again, throwing up the only defense she had.
“Much as I’d like to continue this,” he said, “there are things I need to do. Fortunately, for me at least, I’m going to leave you with something to contemplate. To experience.”
Her attention slid off him and settled on the door.
“Too late.” He lifted his hand, forcing her to stand on her toes. “Not that escape ever was a possibility. “There’s one more thing I’m going to do before I leave.”
What? her eyes asked.
None of her damn business, he silently answered. Despite what his cock was trying to tell him, this wasn’t about them—or his complicated emotions regarding her. He was here for his brother—and justice.
His expression as hard as his heart had been for a long time, he hauled her over to her cage. “Grab hold of the bars. Lean over. Way over. I want your ass where it belongs.”
“More spanking?”
“Is that what you want?”
He believed her. No matter where her feelings lay when it came to pain, her red and swollen ass left him with no doubt she’d had enough. Still, there was a way to make sure the lesson remained at the forefront of her mind.
Before she could obey, if she intended to, he yanked down on the leash. He kept it taut as she positioned herself so her buttocks were higher than the rest of her. Leaving her, he returned to the cupboard and pulled out another box, this one black. He withdrew an anal plug with a horsehair tail attached to it.
“I’m guessing you want to see what I have,” he said from where he stood behind her. “But you’re going to have to wait. There’s nothing like an unexpected gift.”
She sucked in air. After tucking the plug and tail under his arm, he hooked the leash’s loose end to the bottom of the cage. Now that she had no choice but to stay bent over, he took his time stroking her ass. It was overly-warm, all right. She shuddered every time he swatted her. There was something fascinating about the sounds she made. This was more than pain. Anticipation. Excitement. Need.
“To make sure you don’t forget what this is about,” he said as he transferred more of her arousal from her pussy to her bottom hole, “by the time I’m done with you, you will answer every question I throw at you. Also, you won’t tell anyone what happened.”
“I can’t—who could I tell? You’re keeping me isolated.”
Was she trying to remind him that she was human? He only had to glance at her to be reminded of that. He wished things could be different, that she hadn’t been involved. But she was.
“You’re right, I can’t keep you here forever. People will get suspicious. But by then you’ll have learned your lesson.”
Her sharp intake of breath said she didn’t understand what he meant by lesson. Maybe he should remind her of how much she’d changed in a short period of time, but he might not need words.
Smiling a smile he didn’t feel behind her back, he slapped her left flank. Gasping, she tried to straighten. He took advantage of her distraction by again lubricating her ass. He next coated the butt plug with the same juices. Then, calling himself a bastard because that’s how he saw himself, he spread her cheeks and shoved the plug into her. Her rear opening stretched around it.
“Damn! God damn!”
She tried to swing away but he hadn’t given her enough room. She could only move a couple of feet in either direction, her body held low by the leash. He kept the plug in place by flatting his hand against the base until with a sobbing sigh, she stopped fighting. He studied her trembling body as he worked the foreign object deeper.
Whining, she continued to shake.
“This is what I was talking about,” he informed her instead of asking if he’d hurt her. “My means of making sure you don’t forget me.” He patted her so-vulnerable buttocks. “You’ve been acting like a wild animal so I’ve decided to treat you like one.”
Panting, she rested her hands on her thighs. He guessed her spine was hurting more with each moment. He didn’t want to care about how much discomfort he was subjecting her to, but she’d been in a motorcycle accident that could have killed her. He wasn’t the monster he needed to be.
Shutting down what threatened to become sympathy, he unhooked the leash and allowed her to straighten. After trying to massage her lower back, she faced him. Her attention flickered to where her legs joined.
“Can’t see your tail, can you?” he observed. “But you have no doubt it’s there.”
She reached behind her and gave the tail an experimental tug. Nothing happened. “You bastard.”
“Thanks for doing what you just did,” he said. “I wanted to make sure it stays in place. Whatever else I need should be in the cupboard. I didn’t expect this place to be so well stocked. You might be impressed.”
After letting her stand, he brought her back to the cupboard and took out a set of handcuffs. “One more step before I put these to use. You’ve worn your outfit long enough. It’s time for both of us to see you as nature intended.”
“Damn it, no.”
“Damn it, yes.” He shook the cuffs at her. “I’ll handle the task if you make me, but I’d rather you do it. Leggings first since they’re nearly off.”
Her attention on a spot beyond his left shoulder, she slipped a hand between her legs. Her fingers just brushed the tail. “I can’t—what makes you believe you have a right to do this?”
“You belong to me.”
She gave him an expression he didn’t fully grasp, then awkwardly tugged off her leggings and panties. The way she kicked them away it was as if she believed she might never have a use for them. As much as he tried not to make comparisons, he couldn’t stop from remembering the night he’d bundled up the few garments Nate had been storing at his place so he could donate them. His brother had no more use for clothes, ever. Someone else might.
“Keep going,” he snapped, his voice thick with an emotion he’d live with his entire life.
Instead of immediately complying, she returned his stare. The hell he’d explain. Memories of his brother were for him, the one thing he still had.
When she dropped her shirt and bra next to her discarded clothes, he realized he’d missed seeing what had gotten her to this place. Maybe her movements would eventually crawl out of his subconscious. For now he concentrated on her generous, erect breasts, her well-defined collarbone, and the ladder of her ribs. He saw no sign of scars.
She turned him on, all right. Sadly, she represented everything he hated.
“Hold out your hands,” he ordered.
Her expression shifted to neutral as she obeyed. He locked the cuffs around her wrists.
“I thought you’d fight,” he said when he was done. “Not give in so easily.”
Her mouth sagging, she stared at what he’d done. “I guess you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.”
“I know you well enough,” he said, even though she was right.
“Why would you want to?”
Despite his simmering hatred of what she stood for, he admired her courage. If only they’d met under different circumstances.
“I thought I’d made that clear. I don’t have a choice.”
Night was coming. Lainey only had to look toward the window to acknowledge that it would soon be dark. Joe hadn’t turned on any lights before taking off which meant she’d soon be wrapped in black.
Moaning under her breath, she shifted from one hip to the other. After ordering her into the cage, he’d given her a sandwich and a bottle of water. The wrapping identified the sandwich as coming from a large chain. Despite her reservations about eating something his hands had been on, she needed to keep her strength up. Now what passed for dinner was behind her. Thanks to the cuffs, she couldn’t get her fingers in her pussy for some self-distraction. More to the point, he’d brought in a TV to entertain her. It played endless X-rated videos she couldn’t stop.
The current video showed a busty woman who’d been chased and caught by a trio of bearded men with enormous erections. They took turns bending her over various items such as padded sawhorses and chairs so they could fuck her. Despite her loud prostrations, it was clear she was having a great time. The more holes being penetrated, the more she shrieked.
Turning her back on the video, Lainey stared at her fading surroundings. Damn Joe for forcing her to watch such a poor excuse at acting. If she’d been the so-called actress, she’d at least pretend she wanted to get away.
Or would she?
Closing her eyes, she extended her bound arms as far as they’d go between her legs. She couldn’t reach the plug, but did she want to?
Next, she tried to touch her still sensitive ass. That attempt was no more successful.
“You’re deliberately driving me crazy. I hope to hell you can’t sleep tonight.” She took a deep breath. “What is this about? That’s what I don’t understand. The why.”
Half expecting Joe to respond, she waited. The room creaked and groaned, things settling. She could smell the ocean, and wondered where she was.
Who was Joe Risinger? Why had he dragged her into his world? What were his plans for her? Would tomorrow bring another spanking?
Worn down from trying to make sense of things, she awkwardly stood and started pacing. The movement seemed to settle in her ass, not that she should expect anything else. In time she settled on a measured pace. Instead of abruptly turning when she reached the end of her prison, she moved in an arch that kept the plug securely in place. Horse hai
rs brushing the backs of her thighs was nothing short of erotic, a kind of caressing.
Her head cocked to the side, she stopped and moved her hips from side to side. The hairs rocked with her. Had Joe done this, not because he wanted to further punish her, but because he cared about her? Maybe in his own mysterious way he wanted to reward her with the kind of pleasure she’d long craved?
Lungs full, she concentrated on the remote possibility. Joe was still a stranger and would always be.
No. Not totally, because he sensed her needs?
Eyes open just enough to allow her to see where she was heading, she inched toward the bars and rested her forehead on one of them. Her arms pressed against the sides of her breasts. If she wanted, she could finger her nipples, but she wanted her captor to be the one doing that. He’d tease them to hardness with a combination of his warm, moist mouth and fingertips tight around her nubs. When the sensation threatened to become painful, he’d relax his hold, his gaze never leaving her face so he could judge her reaction.
“I can be gentle,” he’d tell her. “Never forget that no matter how fiercely I discipline you, it’s done from a place of love.”
Love? Joe Risinger? Never.
“I didn’t expect that,” Joe told Korbin as the two men watched Lainey. In a few minutes, the room and cage would be too dark for them to see the action. It was better that way, not because he didn’t want Korbin looking at her, but because he’d been the one to bring her to this state of arousal. She was his.
“What did you expect?” the billionaire asked.
“I’m not sure. Maybe that she’d be so scared she wouldn’t be able to function.”
“I think her accident made her strong, at least on the outside.”
“What about inside? How long do you think she can stand up to my methods?”
When the older man chuckled, Joe imagined Korbin leaning back in his Italian leather recliner with a drink in hand and his cell phone on speaker so they could carry on a conversation despite not being together.